Progress Report 04 - 3/1/2022
Added second set of error data Updated content
Added second set of error data Updated content
Added first set of error data Updated content
This source is not directly relevant to the secure communication demo project; rather it is related to the theoretical applications of the kind of communication outlined in the project. Thoughts on the theoretical use of qubits in quantum communication networks based on research paper Increasing the classical data throughput in quantum networks by combining quantum linear network coding with superdense coding by Steven Herbert: It is interesting to note the idea of having nodes A and B, each capable of generating entangled pairs, where B continually sends entangled pair halves to A and A continually sends those pairs, encoded, back to B....
Update on composite state used, character set used, and demo code methodology Instead of using the composite 5 qubit GHZ-Bell state I will be using a composite 7 qubit GHZ-Bell state spread out over multiple circuit runs on the quantum computer. Updated content To do this, I will be using super dense coding of one GHZ state and two Bell state entangled groups. The GHZ state and the first Bell state will be entangled, encoded, passed through a series of identity gates, decoded, and measured, and then the second Bell state will go through the same procedure....
Slight update to research plan based on research paper N-qubit quantum teleportation, information splitting and superdense coding through the composite GHZ–Bell channel by Debashis Saha and Prasanta K. Panigrahi: Since N+1 qubits must be acted on in order to encode 2N + 1 classical bits, the pure GHZ 5 state is useless for superdense coding, and is being abandoned for the secure communication demo in favor of the composite GHZ-Bell state outlined in the research above....